Heidelbergian Children's Catechism (age 8- 10 years)

Lord's Day 46

Wouldn’t you want to look around inside Buckingham Palace in England? Would you be allowed to ring the doorbell? And if the door was opened would you ask to talk to and visit with the queen? Don’t count on them letting you in! If people want to visit the queen in her pal ace, they have to ask permission first. The door will only be opened if this permission is granted. For a king or a queen is not just anyone. They are the highest, most important people in the country. God is our heavenly king. We cannot just walk in on Him, not even when we want to pray. For sinful people do not belong in his palace. They cannot be in the presence of the holy God. We need someone to open the gate so that we can go to God. And that gate was opened when the Lord Jesus took our sins to the cross! There He died for us. At that time the door to God’s palace was opened. Now we are allowed to directly pray to God. The Lord Jesus did even more for us. We may even call God “Father,” and be as close to Him as we are with our own earthly father. Our fathers do so many things that are nice and good for us; and yet, our heavenly Father is the best father. You can believe that for sure. Even though we may call Him “Father;” don’t ever forget that He is God. He is more powerful than all people. It is great that we can begin our prayers by calling Him “Our Father,” but keep in mind that those words are followed by “in heaven.” For this Father is at the same time a mighty God, full of majesty. We should respect Him greatly, for He is holy. Right now our prayers go up to the Lord; one day we will be allowed to stay with Him always.

Lord's Day 1
Lord's Day 2
Lord's Day 3
Lord's Day 4
Lord's Day 5
Lord's Day 6
Lord's Day 7
Lord's Day 8
Lord's Day 9
Lord's Day 10
Lord's Day 11
Lord's Day 12
Lord's Day 13
Lord's Day 14
Lord's Day 15
Lord's Day 16
Lord's Day 17
Lord's Day 18
Lord's Day 19
Lord's Day 20
Lord's Day 21
Lord's Day 22
Lord's Day 23
Lord's Day 24
Lord's Day 25
Lord's Day 26
Lord's Day 27
Lord's Day 28
Lord's Day 29
Lord's Day 30
Lord's Day 31
Lord's Day 32
Lord's Day 33
Lord's Day 34
Lord's Day 35
Lord's Day 36
Lord's Day 37
Lord's Day 38
Lord's Day 39
Lord's Day 40
Lord's Day 41
Lord's Day 42
Lord's Day 43
Lord's Day 44
Lord's Day 45
Lord's Day 46
Lord's Day 47
Lord's Day 48
Lord's Day 49
Lord's Day 50
Lord's Day 51
Lord's Day 52