Heidelbergian Children's Catechism (age 8- 10 years)
Lord's Day 10
The Lord God dweIIs in heaven. By his might and power He looks af ter all the things He created in the beginning. As the result of our sin, much sorrow and pain has entered into the jives of us all. I am sure you, too, know that. That was God’s punishment which we deserve. When they happen, you wonder why. Isn’t God our Father and are we not his children? He promised to forgive our sins, when we pray him for it.Why does He allow all those bad experiences to enter into our Iives? Is that punishment? Did Jesus not take upon himself our punishment? That is true; Jesus did suffer the punishment we deserve. But there is something else we should keep in mind. Imagine your parents would allow you to do whatever you like. lmagine they would never tell you to do something that is hard. lmagine they would be friendly to you when you had been very annoying. What would be the result?You would be a spoiled brat! Our Father in heaven is a good father. He wants us to grow up as people who believe Him and who are brave. He wants us to be people who trust Him always and everywhere. Do you know what that means? It means that you trust him when you have enough to eat. And also when you don’t have enough. When you are healthy and strong. And also when you are sick or disabled. We have to trust him whatever happens to us, good or bad. God is your Father, but that does not mean you will experience only happy events. The daily news reports tell you about earthquakes, famine, war – the list goes on and on.All kinds of bad things happen. And you wonder: Is God not powerful ? Would He not be able to prevent such evil things from happening? True, he could prevent these from happening. But often He does not do that, For He wants to teach us patience. He wants to teach us to rely on Him always. Later, we may live on the new earth. No sin or pain or sorrow exists there. Then, we will also understand this better.