Heidelbergian Children's Catechism (age 8- 10 years)
Lord's Day 50
This Lord’s Day is about the fourth petition, which says “give us today our daily breed.” Do you remember that we talked about our task last time? The Lord gives each of us something to do on earth. For now your task is mainly going to school. But you cannot do that on an empty stomach! Everyone has a task to do, but without food nobody can work. That’s why we ask our heavenly Father to give us the bread we need. We pray this for ourselves and also for others; the prayer speaks about our bread. And this request does not mean that we are only asking for bread. It includes potatoes, vegetables, fruits, and milk. It means everything our bodies need. Even our clothes and our shoes belong to this request. This petition includes all the things we need for doing our jobs and for going to school. If we need transportation, it means a bike or even a school bus. It includes all the things that we need every day. It may seem as if all these things are paid for by your parents. However, they come from the Lord. God gives your parents jobs and the ability to work so that they earn money. That is why we pray to God for our daily bread. When we pray we are not afraid that the Lord may forget us next week. Rather we ask for this food day b1 day. That is how the Lord Jesus told us to pray. We don’t need to look far ahead when we pray, because we believe that God will always take care of us. We should not be greedy when we pray. We should only ask for the things we need. But do you know what often happens? We receive far more than we ask for! Just look around your bedroom at all things you have. And so often you get a special treat! And don’t forget the presents you received on your birthday. You may enjoy all of these things, but don’t forget to thank the Lord for them. And remember there are other people who have less than you and I have. If we live and pray in this way then we learn more and more to trust our heavenly Father alone. He is a Father who takes care of his children.